How to Remove Bad Odor in Armpit

Wet and smelly armpits, this one problem must be experienced by almost everyone. This condition is very disturbing and embarrassing for people right, Healthy Friend?

These conditions often occur, making you avoid brightly colored clothes. Finally you use dark-colored clothes more often.

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Excessive sweating in the armpit can be caused by various things, especially hormones and food. To overcome this is not enough to just use deodorant. So is there a way to remove underarm odor?

How to Get Rid of Armpit Odor Naturally

Here's how to deal with underarm and wet odors that you can try at home:

1. Lemon

Lemon is effective for reducing sweat moisture, other than that other benefits can make the armpit whiter and cleaner. The trick is to apply before taking a shower and leave it for a while, then wash as usual.

2. Maize flour

Maize flour can be used as powder when absorbing excess sweat and moisture, and preventing body odor. But keep in mind avoid using dark colored clothes because it will look very clear.

3. Baking soda

To overcome excessive sweating can be overcome using baking soda. How to make pasta from baking soda and water, then apply the paste to the armpit area and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and over a period of time your sweat will be controlled. If you first make your skin dry, you don't need to worry because this is a natural reaction.

4. Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar can be used to deal with wet underarms and the unpleasant odor it produces. How to apply apple vinegar with cotton to the armpit area before you take a shower, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash as usual.

5. Radish

Turnip grated, squeeze the grated radish to get the juice. Apply the juice of radish water to your kettle. This method will reduce odor to a maximum of 10 hours.

7. Rose water

Rose water is a very soothing drug to eliminate underarm odor. Apply some rose water under your arms which will remove odor in the affected area.

You can also add a few drops of rose water in your bathtub for long-lasting freshness.

8. Tomatoes

Take tomato meat and use it directly in your armpit. Leave for 15 minutes. then clean using clean water. To get effective results, practice this method for several weeks.

9. Alum

Alum can also be used as a natural deodorant. Pour water over alum. Gently rub your armpit for some time. This will dry out by itself. Keep in mind! Use only the blunt side of the alum piece to rub on the armpit.

10. Lettuce

Lettuce is one way to get rid of underarm odor naturally. This herbal medicine is very good for preventing underarm odor. The way is to destroy a few lettuce leaves to become a juice extract. Rub it directly in your armpit. For best results, apply after bathing. You can store lettuce juice in the refrigerator.

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